Wakespeed WS500 Error Codes

This is the list of WS500 error codes from the Wakespeed Communications and Configuration Guide version 2.5.2/3 June 11, 2024.  It is provided solely to make it easier and quicker for WS500 users to lookup the error code.

If there is a FAULTED status, the variable errorCode will contain one of these...

  • Note at this time, only one error code is retained. Multi-faults will only show the last one in the checking tree.
  • Errors with + 0x8000 on them will cause the regulator to re-start, others will freeze the regulator.
  • Errors with a +0x4000 will be optionally treated as a 'promiscuous' hard fault.
  • If the regulator is configured in 'promiscuous Mode' these faults will be treated with an auto-restart, just like 0x8000
  • Note combinations like 10, and 11 are not used. Because one cannot flash out 0's, and kind of hard to tell if 11 is a 1+1, or a real slow 2+0
  • The first digit of the error code will be flashed, then a pause followed by the second digit. After a longer pause the sequence of flashes is repeated.
Error Name Code Flag Description
FC_LOOP_BAT_TEMP 12 0x4000U Battery Temperature greatly exceeded configured upper limit.
FC_LOOP_BAT_HIGHV 13 0x4000U Battery Voltage greatly exceeded upper limit, measured by VBat+
FC_LOOP_BAT_LOWV 14 0x8000U Battery Voltage too low to operate as measured on VBat+. Damaged or missing sensing wire or fuse? (or engine not started!)
FC_LOOP_BAT_MAXV 15 0x4000U Voltage at Vbat+ exceeded Max Bat Volts as defined by $CPB:
FC_LOOP_SHORTED_BAT_TEMP 16 0x4000U Battery Temperature is shorted (Defective)
FC_LOOP_ALT_TEMP 21 0x4000U Alternator Temperature greatly exceeded configured upper limit.
FC_LOOP_ALT_TEMP_RAMP 24 0x4000U Alternator Temperature greatly exceeded configured upper limit. (2nd temp reached / exceeded while ramping - this can NOT be right, to reach target while ramping means way too risky.)
FC_LOOP_ALT_TEMP_ROC 25   Alt Temp is rising REALLY fast, damaged?
FC_SYS_FET_TEMP 41   Internal Field FET temperature exceed limit.
FC_SYS_REQIRED_SENSOR 42   A 'Required' sensor is missing, and we are configured to FAULT out.
FC_NO_VALT_VOLTAGE 43 0x8000U No voltage has been sensed on the VAlt+ line, blown fuse?
FC_EXCESSIVE_VALT_OFFSET 44 0x4000U There is excessive voltage offset between VAlt+ and VBat+ sense lines - 2.5v. (Not checked in "Split" voltage systems)
FC_LOOP_VALT_MAXV 45 0x4000U Voltage at VAlt+ exceeded Max Bat Volts (Plus additional allowance for IR drop) as defined by $CPB:
FC_LOOP_ALT_HIGHV 46 0x4000U Voltage greatly exceeded expected upper limit battery limit as measured at VAlt+
FC_CAN_BATTERY_DISCONNECTED 51 0x4000U Received a generic CAN message that the battery charging bus has been disconnected.
FC_CAN_BATTERY_HVL_DISCONNECTED 52 0x4000U A CAN command has been received asking for the battery bus to be disconnected due to High Voltage. (Note that depending on the BMS, other alarms may trigger this same fault, ala, high charge current)
FC_LOG_BATTINST 53   Battery Instance number is out of range (needs to be from 1..100)
FC_TOO_MANY_AGGERGATION 54   Too many different BMS's are asking to be aggregated.
FC_CAN_AEBUS_FAULTED 55 0x8000U AEBus device (Discovery battery) has send a warning or fault status. As there is no fore-warning of a disconnect, treat all warnings as a pending disconnect and fault. But then do auto-restart to see if it clears.
FC_TOO_MANY_VEREG_DEVICE 56   Too many VEreg (Victron) devices present to track
FC_CAN_BATTERY_LVL_DISCONNECTED 57 0x4000U A CAN command has been received asking for the battery bus to be disconnected due to Low Voltage.
FC_CAN_BATTERY_HC_DISCONNECTED 58 0x4000U A CAN command has been received asking for the battery bus to be disconnected due to High Current.
FC_CAN_BATTERY_HT_DISCONNECTED 59 0x4000U A CAN command has been received asking for the battery bus to be disconnected due to High Battery Temperature.
FC_CAN_BATTERY_LT_DISCONNECTED 61 0x4000U A CAN command has been received asking for the battery bus to be disconnected due to Low Battery Temperature.
FC_CAN_BATTERY_HVL_LIMIT 62 0x8000U A CAN status has been received that the battery has reached its upper limit, but not yet disconnecting. Charging should stop.
FC_DCDC_HS_OVP 82 0x4000U Primary Battery (HS) of DC-DC converter Over-voltage trip
FC_DCDC_HS_UVP 83 0x8000U Primary Battery (HS) of DC-DC converter Under-voltage trip
FC_DCDC_LS_OVP 84 0x4000U Secondary Battery (LS) of DC-DC converter Over-voltage trip
FC_DCDC_LS _UVP 85 0x8000U Secondary Battery (LS) of DC-DC converter Under-voltage trip
FC_DCDC_OVER_TEMP 86 0x8000U DCDC Convert too hot.
FC_DCDC_MISCOFIG 87   A configuration value has exceeded the selected DC-DC converter limits.
FC_DCDC_MULTICONTROLLER 88   More than one device seems to be trying to control the DCDC converter.
FC_DCDC_MISSMATCH 89   Attached DCDC Converter is not same as make/model specified

The 9x codes are special ones, they do not cause a true FAULT, but indicate some altered condition and mode of operation. Mostly these are used to support DM_RV (aka, ISO Diag) and CAN connected monitors such as the Victron Cerbo. At present these codes will only be used over ISO_DIAG (CAN), will NOT cause a Regulator hard fault, and will only be issued if the attached RBM is listed as a BMS or higher priority per RV-C (120 or above).

Error name Code Flag Description
FC_CAN_BMS_SYNC_LOST 91   Used to signal that an existing BMS sync has been lost and we are in an alt mode (ala, Gethome)
FC_FORCED_TO_IDLE 92   Use to indicate that the reg has been forced into Idle via perhaps the Feature-in line, or some RPM based trigger.
FC_DVCC_TIMEOUT 93   Device has lost the DVCC lock, reverting back to non-DVCC mode of operation.
INTERNAL_DCDC_ERRORS 21x   Note, the list of DCDC errors was removed from the document, but have been left here
FC_DCDC_HS_OVP 212 0x4000U Primary Battery (HS) of DC-DC converter Over-voltage trip
FC_DCDC_HS_UVP 213 0x8000U Primary Battery (HS) of DC-DC converter Under-voltage trip
FC_DCDC_LS_OVP 214 0x4000U Secondary Battery (LS) of DC-DC converter Over-voltage trip
FC_DCDC_LS_UVP 215 0x8000U Secondary Battery (LS) of DC-DC converter Under-voltage trip
FC_DCDC_OVER_TEMP 216 0x8000U DCDC Convert too hot.
FC_DCDC_MISCOFIG 217   A configuration value has exceeded the selected DC-DC converter limit
FC_DCDC_MULTICONTROLLER 218   More than one device seems to be trying to control the DCDC converter.