Ultimate DC Cable Sizing / System Calculator for RVs/Caravans
Author: Solar 4 RVs
This interactive calculator will help you understand your RV's full power system, including the inverter, battery charger, DC-DC Charger, battery, solar panels, MPPT, and cable sizing with voltage drop. Simply select the voltages and size of your equipment, and the calculator will recommend the optimal cable, fuse, and busbar size, and provide the expected voltage drop.
How to Use the Calculator
All data entry fields are adjustable to match your system's specifications. You can even change the battery voltage to 12, 24, 36, or 48V using the drop-down/select box. Any change you make will automatically update all values.
Output and Results
As you adjust the input values, the calculator automatically recalculates all outputs.
Please note that the visual representation will only show up to 2 panels in series, 2 panels in parallel, and a maximum of 2 batteries. Any further increase won't display additional panels or batteries, but the calculations will still be accurate.
Request a System Quote
Once you have your results, you can email a screenshot to us at info@solar4rvs.com.au to request a system quote. We're here to help make your RV or caravan's power system as efficient and reliable as possible.
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