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Advanced MPPT Solar Controllers made in the USA. Power + Efficiency + Reliability.

Genasun’s robust product line, made in the USA, has been deployed—and trusted—by scientific and military communities in all corners of the world.

These state of the art controllers keep your lithium or lead acid batteries topped up in even the harshest climates, and our Class I, Division 2 classification means even hazardous environmental conditions won't stand in the way of keeping your systems running.

Using sophisticated electrical design and software, Genasun engineered out all moving components so there are no fans to get clogged with dust and dirt, or relays that will eventually stop switching.

The products deal with extreme environmental conditions  with temperature range -40to +85oC.

Certification Class 1 Division 2 (C1D2) 

With FCC-rated, low EMI controllers, your radios will hear everything the first time, even while your chargers are going full speed ahead. Genasun delivers reliable, high efficiency charging without disrupting your communications or other sensing equipment.

Genasun range image(1)

Lightweight, compact and high efficiency

  • No fans that get clogged and no cooling system needed
  • Weight 80-185g
  • dimensions  14.6 x 6.5 x 3.5cm
  • easy to install

Compatible with any battery

  • Pb: lead acid / AGM / Gel
  • Li: Lithium Iron Phosphate, Lithium Cobalt/Polymer, custom Lithium variation



  • Current input limitation
  • Advanced Fault Tolerance and Recovery
  • Independent short circuit and reverse polarity protection
  • Auto restart when short is removed


Voltage Boosting MPPT

Most solar charge controllers flow energy from a higher voltage panel to a lower voltage battery bank.  The GVB series essentially pumps electricity up hill!  This series can take a standard 12V solar panel and boost the voltage to charge a 24V, 36V or 48V battery pack.


Genasun Selection guide


Genasun solar charge controller product selection guide


Step down GV 4 5 & 10         

Step up GVB 8



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